
Prism Esports

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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Prism has a mission: to become a leader competitor across major titles - Valorant will be no exception. With our Head of Talent and performance team, we are building a roster that prioritizes team culture, great personalities, and exceptional talent. If you believe you have what it takes to be part of our mission, reach out to us! We're actively hunting for our new roster.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Prism Esports is founded on the desire to build a community that feels like family regardless of its size. Since we started, we've recruited an incredible family of gaming talent and personalities. It's important to us that our gaming talent also be a great cultural fit for the community we've set to build. Prism Esports was founded by Tyler (terrorfraud) and Dave (redacted) mid-year of 2018. In the short amount of time we've been up and running, we believe Prism has become something special in the gaming community. Already, the Apex Legends members have left their fingerprint within the competitive scene and world record books. Not to mention, the incredible people they've interacted with through social platforms and gaming events. We're incredibly excited for what the future holds and hope to see you there with us!


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