
Simply Esports

Valorant | PC | Royaume-Uni

pas de recrutement en cours

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Simply Esports logo
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offre de recrutement
Pas d'évaluations


To enter Valorant Tournaments and win them.
To create a good group of people who work and play well with each other.
Build a massive chemistry between all members of Simply

and many more!

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello and welcome to Simply Esports recruitment page within Seek-Team.com. We are an up and coming team which are looking for competitive mind players who are willing to put the time and effort into one another to make a strong team and enter tournaments and so on.

Currently there are only a few of us but we are all competitive players and are looking for people to play with on a daily basis. We're looking for all types of players to grow the Simply's name. Some of us are Content Creators, graphic designers and so on. We will hopefully be able to assist you in any way you need.

We are a friendly group of lads who are willing to accept anyone aslong as you're putting the time and effort in to improve your mental game and the game itself.

Please join our discord where you will be able to apply for a trial and also speak to the Founders!


  • Must Be Active
  • Must be dedicated
  • Must put the time into improving. That means watching over game clips and so on.


  • non spécifié(s)

Aucune offre de recrutement active

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Cette équipe n'est actuellement plus en recherche active de joueurs.
Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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