
Conquest Esports

Valorant | PC | États-Unis

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Conquest Esports hopes to achieve perfect team chemistry and dominate at high levels of game play. As an organization we will attend multiple tournaments throughout a yearly basis, and hope to join a league in the years to come. Conquest Esports strives to produce better players both mechanically and mentally with a rigorous development system that has been proven to increase performance in game.

Experiences online

  • I the coach, have over 5 years of PC fps experience. With many games hitting high ranks like Rainbow six siege and Counter-Strike.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Conquest is a flashy new Esports franchise based out of the great USA. Founded by an incredible Valorant coach who is committed to improving skills and teamwork to build an elite team dedicated to creating a name for themselves in the Esports community.


  • Must be at least 14+
  • Must be committed to playing and practice as a team many times a week.
  • Rank doesn't matter but the better the skill the better you have a chance.


  • non spécifié(s)

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