

Valorant | PC | Canada

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To become a E-sports or a tournament team.

Experiences online

  • 200 hours csgo semi-pro
  • 500 hours rainbow six siege plat rank most seasons
  • Modern Warfare 150 hours

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I am striving to make a team of rag-tag people that come together despite everyth....
nah I'm just playing unk0wn I'm hopping will become a competitor for teams across Canada and maybe other parts of North America too.
I want to make this not just a team but a group of friends to (because a team has to get a long) .
Training 3 to 4 times a week (cause everyone has other shit too do as well) probably 4 to 5 hours a session days can be decided upon by team.
16+ so when we are ready we can participate in tournaments.
If we at unk0wn like ur profile add me on discord (I will give it too you via email just put it in the application thingy)
Also I am looking (hopefully) someone who does not main Phoneix as he is my main but I also play cypher


  • 16+
  • Has to have a microphone
  • discord user


  • non spécifié(s)

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