
Anax Clan Gaming

Valorant | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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We want to grow into a unified community of gamers.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hey guys, welcome to Anax Gaming. We at Anax couldn’t be happier to welcome you all as our a potential player. Anax Gaming started back in 2014 by some high school best friends. Anax has continued a small presence in the gaming industry. A little more about the meaning of Anax; Anax is an ancient Greek word for "tribal chief, lord, (military) leader". It is one of the two Greek titles traditionally translated as "king", the other being basileus, and is inherited from Mycenaean Greece. Our vision is to become a king of the gaming community.

We are now looking to take the next steps, this being our first step in becoming a bigger entity in the gaming community. Glad you guys could join us during the endeavor. My name is Anax Hades, I manage Anax Gaming Esports. We have a board of directors listed as follows:
Anax Hades
Anax Goat
Anax Hermes
Anax Zeus

This board will be the decision maker when it comes to making tougher decisions beyond the team. This board can also come together to deem a player not fit for any Anax competitive team. Please ask any questions you may have.


  • Be willing to grind and promote the organization.


  • non spécifié(s)

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