
LunarFlux WT

War Thunder | PC | EZ

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Greetings, Recruits

Welcome to the recruitment page of the LunarFlux War Thunder team. LunarFlux is a multigaming clan with varying skill levels and games. Our games consist of mostly eSports competitive games. The full list: CS:GO (2 teams), LoL, RL, Destiny 2, Fortnite, ARK. The latest addition will be, as you can guess, War Thunder. My name's RuuB_E, leader of the War Thunder Squadron, player of the CS:GO Academy team, LoL group and RL team.
I am mostly looking for people who play with tanks. Requirements for tankers!: 1 T3 tank or T2 but fully upgraded with better than avarage understanding of their vehicles; Good English knowladge (Speaking & hearing); Basic teamwork capabality; Understanding of shells, armor, firing, positioning and helping out others; (After those before) Skill demonstration in game.
Requirements for pilots!: 1 T3 plane or 2 but fully upgraded with better than avarage understanding of their vehicles; Excelent English knowladge (Speaking & hearing); Basic teamwork capabality; Understanding of lead, G-force, ammo, damage, escaping and helping fellow pilots; Knowladge of basic dodging moves; (After those before) Skill demonstration in game.
If you have questions, message me on Twitter (@LunarRuuB_E) or join our Discord server (****) and ask Koombaz or me for help


  • Over 12 years of age
  • At least 60 hours in-game


  • SharQ controllers ( https://sharqcontrollers.com )

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Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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