.. In the nicest way possible. We're 10x more legit than 95% of the 'Orgs' on this website. If you actually want to get into Esports, please keep reading - Let us help you :)
'Why Cerberus?' Sure. Good question! See, we believe that everybody starts somewhere - As we grow, we want YOU to grow with us! We strive to connect our players to relevant online events and opportunities to help them get started with playing their favourite games competitively today! Want a career in Esports gaming? Why not start with us? #TeamCerberus #GameOn
14 Time Competitive Event Winners [56 Top 8]. cerberusgaming.online | We're taking the UK by storm in a variety of games. (We're doing pretty good in the FGC atm!) We look now, to branch into Rocket League, having recently established a brand new team and Call of Duty, having established reasonable success in the past! Want to be part of our 2024 endeavours? Get in touch today!
• Rankings and Placements
We'll post end of season rankings (and top x% of players) on the leaderboard on our website and will display any competitive tournament entries in a similar fashion.
*Cerberus Gaming Network is Sponsored by Matcherino.
and are affiliated partners of Humble Bundle & Kinguin Games.
We also hosted Official Qualifiers for the Tekken Online Challenge 2021.