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Your are always among the first to be displayed in our search engine. It increases the chances for your offers and demands to be seen more often.
When searching for players (only, for now), you can display a map of available players to help recruit players near you !
Mark the teams or resume as "seen". It'll help you to identify the offers you've already seen to eliminate useless visual noise.
By getting a premium account, you show other members that you are very serious about the fact that you want to recruit or get recruited.
A player or a recruitment offer is no longer available but you really want to join that team, or to recruit this player ? No problem. Premium account gives you a bypass. You can still contact the team or player via his waiting list. They'll get notified and can decide to accept the contact or refuse it.
Seek Team has been created by a gamer, for you, gamers. It's FREE to use for basic features. By pushasing a premium account, you support a project that helps online gaming communities all around the world.
This account is for players who want to benefit from premium features on all of their gaming resume.
Premium features won't unlock for a team that's not attached to the multigaming, a cv or an e-sport offer.
This account is for a team. Once chosen, only this team will benefit from the premium.
Premium features won't unlock for a cv, a multigaming or an e-sport offer.
This account is for one multigaming. Once bought, the chosen multigaming and all its attached teams will benefit from the premium.
Premium features won't unlock for a team that's not attached to the multigaming, a cv or an e-sport offer.
This account is for a e-sport gig. Once chosen, only this offer will benefit from the premium
Premium features won't unlock for a team, a cv or a multigaming.