Apex Legends

Ace Tryhard2208

Cody Gilvin | 19 years old

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I have the ambition to make myself and the people i play with happy and get a desire to win. I want to change the way people see apex as just another fps battle royal and turn their looks into amaze when they find out theres people who will grind their life just to have a chance for a team. I want people to see apex as a esports title and not just some game.

online experience

  • Valorant tournaments
  • Fortnite cash cup

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I am an apex player of some skill and I'm hoping to be picked up by some team so i could help them in their goals and my own. I currently am level 265+ with over 2.4k kills on my main octain with a kd of 1.2 for this season. I only require that my teammates and coach are friendly and wont rage when i make a mistake as i am still a human that will make mistakes and I'm outgoing and nice to most people. If you are looking for players keep me in mind because i might not be the best but i do have the desire to learn and make the plays. I am available most days after 3:30 pm


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