Apex Legends


Alyx Arts | 25 years old

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Play games competitively... for fun!
Make lots of fun friends.
Build self-esteem.
Have fun!

online experience

  • Apex Legends
  • Titanfall 2
  • Valorant

offline experience

  • Half-Life
  • Morrowwind
  • Halo


Hello! My name is Alyx Arts, and I have recently gotten into competitive gaming. I've played many older games like Halo, Half-life, Counterstrike, but never truly competitive. I still really don't care if I win or lose, but I do enjoy the rush I get when you're nearing that tight victory.

My friend invited me to play Apex Legends back in late April, but quickly left to play Valorant as that was gaining traction at the time. I stuck with Apex Legends for some time, looked up videos, watched streamers, and built upon my basic skills with techniques taught by professionals. I feel like I manage do to pretty well, even if I've only won all of 6 games since the posting of this.

I recently bought Titanfall2 when it was on sale, and have fun playing that. I've also gotten into Valorant because of another friend and find it to have a lot of potential for advanced team-play, which is something I've never done before.


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