Apex Legends


Reid Fosse | 22 years old

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I am aspiring to grow my content creation as well as compete in Comp in Apex and eventually Valorant!

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I play Apex Legends and Valorant! I have only been on PC for 4 months after playing on Xbox the first year with a 34,000 kill wraith main as well as hit Master Multiple times. PS4 I was on for about 6 months and accumulated a 10k Wraith, 5k Path, and 2k Horizon. I did not play much ranked on PS4 but hit diamond every season on it just for badge purposes. This is my second account on PC with a 4k Wraith now in the past month! My first account was banned, due to it being hacked and I am not sure what that person did on my account for the ban and we all know respawn doesn't mess with unbanning, even the wrongly banned. I hit diamond the first Split of season 8 but due to the Map I became less interested in Ranked as well as always solo queuing can be boring/annoying due to other teammates. I constantly improve my gameplay by aim training and movement work everyday! I continue to up my scores and increase my accuracy on Kovaks and Aimlabs. I also believe myself to have a high in game IQ! I am willing to learn, lead, be a support and just get better with other players! I do not have much to say about Valorant as It is my secondary game right now and need to be better on their!


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