Apex Legends


Umer | 23 years old

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Would like to play for a team professionally, and eventually get good enough to participate and make it through the ALGS qualifiers

online experience

  • MESL Intermediate Cup (CSGO)) 2nd place

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


The game that introduced me to FPS games was Crossfire, and much soon after I switched to CS:GO. Played CS for a solid 7 years got to Global Elite in Match Making, and Level 10 on Faceit. Finally decided to switch games and started Apex Legends, can easily make it to Diamond rank in a few days, haven't had the motivation to sit and get to Masters or above since I don't have a team to grind with that I could even try to get Masters. Highest rank I've reached in my limited time playing Apex is Diamond 2 solo. If I can get into playing professionally, I can easily allocate more time and resources to grinding and practicing Apex, as of now I train my aim everyday just to keep it sharp.


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