Apex Legends

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Tyson Hogan | 26 years old

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My highest goal is to make it to the Apex Legends pro scene but I realize that journey is only possible by going from point A-B. So for the time being my ambitions lie in completing the first step of the journey, once I've completed step one then I can set my mind towards the next goal; winning.

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Greetings, my name is Tyson Hogan I'm here to take my gaming career to the next step, finding a team. I have over 4,000 hours in Apex Legends, I dedicate every hour to finding something new I need to improve on. I bring a lot of energy and charisma with me to the team, I believe a good positive mindset is what pulls you out of a bad game/day. With that being said I am a very easy going person but my drive to get better is always there, I do not hesitate to call out my own mistakes or short comings. I am willing to do whatever it takes to help our team improve and be on the same page, if that means 5 hours practices need to turn into 8-10 hour practices because we have things that need to be figured out, im more than willing to put in all the necessary time for us to be great. Im highly adaptable to fit the needs of the team, I can comptetently run most legends and effectively use most guns so i can fit the play style needs of a team without having to feed my own ego. I'm looking forward to grinding and growing with my team, any trials and tribulations we face, will be faced together with a smile on our faces and fire in our hearts.


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