Apex Legends


Victor | 23 years old

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To play competitive, tourneys and such
The dream would be to get singed a contract for a org.

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My name is Victor, I'm 20 years old from Aarhus, Denmark.
I have played Apex for about 1000 hours and have played quite on & off since Season 2.
I'm coming from a CS:GO background, where I was a Global Elite with 2,6k hours in the game,
but stopped playing back in 2016 and moved on to other games like Rainbow Six: Siege, Apex Legends and so on.
So i have quite a lot of experience with First Person Shooters, on a level above average and my skills in Apex have definitively not taken damage by being a former CS player.
Right now I'm "Diamond 4" in Apex, which is about 6% of Ranked Players-
and besides that I'm currently Top 50 in Denmark on the Ranked Scoreboard(Season 9 First Split).
I'm seeking a team that i can represent, play comp for, train with and just a good community in general.
I'm playing everyday and I'm always ready to do whatever it takes to win & improve and with me you can expect, that every second spend will be an effort to get better, stronger and wiser on the subject in order to succeed.

Link to Stats under Socials: ->

Hope someone out there is interested. :)
-Victor/ ferveNt


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