Apex Legends


Britt | 24 years old

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Becoming a better team player (aim and team communication), becoming a better streamer, and one day eventually participating in tournaments for said organization.

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Hello! My name is Firestar4662 (21F) and I have been playing Apex Legends for almost 2 years now. I am over level 500 (I think I'm over 650) and have been dying to try and improve my play style. Season 6 I was Platinum, season 5 I was gold, and season 4 I was Platinum. I take Ranked seriously but I need a team that communicates and works together. The current rank is Silver 1 because of the lack of a team.
I'm a Wraith main with over 2400 kills (over 3,000 total). I can play Pathfinder (387 kills) and Bloodhound (352 kills) pretty well as backups but would much rather play Wraith over any other Legend.
One of my strong suits is that I have very strong team communication and map awareness. The clans I have been a part of (and I'm still in one now) have recruited me to their comp teams because of this, but I don't want to be recruited for that reason alone. I would like to join an organization that will help me improve my playstyle, help me improve my aim, and help with streaming. I'm very illiterate when it comes to all the technology behind streaming and I simply don't have the money for a proper setup. As well as that, I would like to join an org that is 18+, because the last two orgs I have been a part of have had comp players that aren't 18 or older, and it's hard for me to communicate when they don't listen and go off on their own, or listen to any intel I give them.
Anyway! If you have any other questions for me, the link to my Twitter is below! Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great day/evening/night!


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