Apex Legends


Joshua | 25 years old

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I would take the game as seriously as the team intend to. My ambitions are to take part in tournaments and get our names at the top of as many leaderboards as we can! This is a team game and I would love to go on a journey with a squad and achieve as much as we can together! I will try my hardest to work on my skills and improve every aspect of my game to reach those limits with you and your team!

online experience

  • Apex Legends
  • Ranked Diamond
  • 4K Damage Badge

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello there I'm Josh and my gamer tag is HvyBreather!
I've been playing Apex since before Season 1 came out. I've never been so into a game before and I've spend hours and hours on this game. For the first time I want to take my gaming to the next level. Before Apex I considered myself a competitive but casual gamer. I love winning and when I put my mind to it I usually get there! I've spent the whole time on Apex playing alongside my friends and without trying to blow my own trumpet I am by far the best. I am the one who takes charge and calls shots for the squad. But this is only because I have the most knowledge and experience in this game compared to my friends who are nowhere near as competitive as I am. Even with their limited skill some good team work and coordination has allowed us to get us top of many situations. However I am always reminded by our limitations when simple/beginner type mistakes happen within the squad. I always think if I were playing in a full squad of players who had the same ambitions as I do for Apex that we could do great things! I know that if I can make it into a pro team that I will become the runt of the group and definitely will not be calling the shots but I know that playing with players who are better than me will make me a much better player myself. I can carry my own weight so I'm not worried that I'll drag the team down, the team will motivate me to keep up and get better! I love Apex so much that it actually made me start my own YouTube channel. I've always wanted to try content creating but nothing really made me want start. However when Apex came around things changed. After 3-4 Seasons into Apex I knew I was addicted and I had plenty of footage/skill to make interesting content! (at least I think so...) So please consider adding me in, even if I'm only a substitution/fill in player. I'd love to be a part of your team and show you what I got!


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