Apex Legends


Pierce | 29 years old

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I am looking for a team that I can partner with to grow both individually and as an organization. A team that has a firm foundation of forward-thinking management, a solid brand identity, and players hungry to learn and improve. Ideally one that already has some sponsor interest and a growing community.

My goals are to be a content creator and stick to scrims/small tournaments in the short term while practicing and improving enough to compete at larger LAN events up to and including ALGS.

online experience

  • Have played FPS games for 20 years, over 60 titles last time I bothered to count
  • Have written Apex guides that have over 10K views on reddit

offline experience

  • I run a tech startup after a decade of software engineering experience


I've played FPS games for 20 years and have taken them very seriously for the past 3 years. In my main game Apex Legends, I've gotten to a level in skill where I am regularly killing Pred/Master's players in my pub games, and have taken down a few pros as well. My friend list and communities I engage with are filled with top 0.01% players on their respective legends.

I have reached top 5 kills on Vantage on PC in the US, and am also a top 0.05% Wraith player. All this with just over 3000 hours in the game. I regularly write guides, teach/answer questions about the game, and produce video content that has recently started growing due to a pivot in the content I produce.

My playstyle is one of calculated aggression, stacking advantages in my team's favor until we overwhelm the enemy. I constantly look for ways to create advantages in macro/micro positioning, resources like ammo/health, ability cooldowns, zone position, and LOS control.

I have coached dozens of players on everything from movement to aim to tactics, some of which were paid sessions.

I'm happy to IGL a team that is willing to play cohesively, take constructive criticism, and show up time and time again for all the "boring parts" as well as the exciting stuff. I need a team that is willing to aim train, practice movement, study tactics, brainstorm builds/discover the best meta, support and challenge each other, and most of all have fun (and also win a ton of tournaments).

FPS games have been my passion for so long and it's time for me to turn them into a true career.


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