Apex Legends


Kian Jenkins | 22 years old

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
LAN Player LAN Player
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Coach Coach


LAN Tournaments
Online Tournaments
Pro scrims
Pro leagues

online experience

  • Strong E-Sports Kill tournament [s0]
  • Apex.Pro League Scrims [placing 5th-1st]

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I have played Apex since day 1 [literal launch day] and was playing in the Apex pro league at the time scrimming with people like Pjeh and teams such as C9, Rogue etc. I stopped playing in S2 as I had turned 18 and needed to get a job [life gets in the way sometimes], I have played FPS games since I was about 7 years old. Started with COD4 and played them until ghosts where I started to play CS:GO, I put around 3.5k hours in CS climbing to supreme and ESEA rank A- and faceit level 7. My entry into BR's was with H1Z1 where I fell in love with its two tap mechanic and started to really work on my aim I ended the game with around 600 hours put in.

Then PUBG came out, I was in the top 0.8% of players and put around 700 hours into it. After PUBG started to die down and Fortnite came I started to play that alot too where I realised I was decent at BR's, I was dropping 15+ kill games right off the bat. Fortnite as we all know, took a turn for the worse and so Apex came along and I was loved it. Within the first month of Apex dropping I had put 400 hours in, got a 19 kill game and got over 2k kills on wraith, 2k kills on lifeline and 1k kills on bangalore.

Now that ive started playing again during the last week of the last split of S12 I climbed to Plat 1 before the season ended but was playing in Masters with my friend. Now im back and working on my positioning, aim, callouts and gameplay in general using kovaaks and watching pro streams and analyzing their gameplay to further my skill. I am looking for a group of like minded teammates who want to do the same and one day reach a place where we can play LAN tournaments etc.


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