Apex Legends


mackenzie | 123 years old

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My ambitions are to keep increasing my skill level in all games across this platfrom as well as boost my socials such a my streaming site on twitch. I also strive to help my peers perfom at there best and I will not settle unitl everyone around me is happy with thier skill level.

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Hi all hope you are all well, I am Kxenki (in game name) or Mack (in real life name) and I am currently seeking out a team in which I will be able to form squads in multiple games and compete in competitions.
One reason why I think you should accept my request is that is due to my amazing ability when working with a team. I can keep moral high and push teammates to secure a victory. When feedback to my peers is need, I will politely give them areas on which they need to work on but making sure the moral is up.
Another reason why you should potentially accept is I have recently started streaming and many of my friends from where I live are very supportive of my movement and will drive my content, driving views which in turn will get your team awareness.
I am a PC player and have multiple games from all the Call of Duty’s to Apex legends (which I mainly play) to even Fortnite. I would like to think of myself being very experienced in all of these games and make very little errors.
I hope I haven’t bored you guys with this, I hope to hear from you soon.


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