Apex Legends


cody mckinney | 27 years old

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I'm strait goal out of all this is to make it to the ALGS. It would be a dream come true for me to be able to compete with the best player around the worlds . From there I would start me a origination to help people find there dreams and passions. To help people be want they want to be. weather it be a painter, or a gamer, or a surfer, etc. i want to help people who couldn't help them self's or was just delt a bad hand. I would love to be able to have (if not all) some of my bills be paid with me doing my passion. Would love to pamper my dog and buy my mother a home for her self. The list could go on and on. But the ALGS, that's my first goal.

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Am ready to take my game play to the next level. I've been playing competitive games ever since cod of duty 2. Around 10 to 12 years of online competitive gaming and Been playing games since Nintendo 64 when i got it for my 6th birthday. I've been playing Apex since it first dropped.
I've been a single player for the longest time and could never get out of diamond. Am a strong diamond, with good coms and pretty good game understanding for the most part. Cant say how my team work really is when all I've played with is randoms and my one friend from time to time. Am a controller player only because I don't really have piano fingers so I miss keys and things like that haha. My aim is good but could be better. I'm for sure not the best player but if someone could give me a chance and help me grow as a player I know I could get close to being the best. I work landscaping in Texas from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Then i come home and grind. If I wake up early enough ill play a couple of matches before I go.
Apex is my strait passion and always will be.
Hope someone dose read this and gives me a shot. (IM READY)
Have a great day and peace!!!!!


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