Apex Legends


Nacho | 24 years old

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Be able to play against the best of the best in this game. Build a community with similarly skilled players I can grow with

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Looking for a permanent team for this new year - Looking to start competitive apex. 22 year old. I main Loba, Bangalore, Bloodhound, Horizon, Valkyrie, Seer and lifeline. Have experience IGL but I am open to just being the fragger or to co-igl or to IGL I can adapt to whats needed
2x pred, season 10 and season 12. Masters season 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 14
- I have Tournament/scrim experience [ALGS, CCE UCX, VNM]
- Looking for a premade team lf1 player or people with similar ranked or comp experience, I am looking to participate in tournaments and scrims weekly as well as practice almost everyday with a team of players I can develop chemistry with and grow. Looking to take my game to the next step. I play on controller. If interested I have clips available to share instantly and also open to tryout.


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