Apex Legends


nathan tafoya | 29 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller


To play in a lot of tourney's and progress further as an apex player with a great team. To reach apex predator.

online experience

  • ALGS
  • Tourneys
  • Scrims

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi, the name is NoClipYou. I am here looking for a permanent team I can build and grow with. I stream on twitch as well as participate in esports tournaments but keep falling short of finding players at the same level. I am a very dedicated gamer that loves FPS games and look forward to having a team to enjoy these games with. I am on every day so I can tryout whenever asked! I hope to hear from you soon! :)

I have experience in playing tourneys, scrims, as well as in ALGS. Apex is all I play and I work to improve more and more each day. I hope to get an opportunity to fit in an esports org that is serious about competing at a high level whether its in tourneys, scrims, or ranked. I am multi masters and have killed top players such as FunFPS, Aceu, Nickmercs, Deeds, LewdaTV, Enoch plus plenty of others and played against pros consistently. Willing to practice and adapt to any team i play with. (I prefer to IGL but I can just play off of an IGL as well) I prefer to be the entry frag as wraith or bangalore both of my mains. I can play and fill whatever role is needed though.


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