Apex Legends


Jan | 24 years old

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I am seeking to join a professional enviroment of players at compete at a higher level, in tournaments with prizes and deeper meaning, since I don't find enough satisfaction in playing ranked and casual only. I have a lot of passion for the game and have been playing it in all seasons so far. I want to work with a coordinated team/squad and learn even more about the game, cooperate with others and strive to achieve and try to be the best player I can be.

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I am an FPS veteran, and have played other games previously, where I also competed in above-average ranks (CS:GO ; legendary eagle master, Rainbow Six Siege; platinum) I've been playing Apex Legends since launch day, and have also seriously played ranked in seasons 7-9. The highest achieved ranked completely solo was diamond 2, but I have never played with anyone premade. I have been able to put out high damage numbers regularly in both casual and ranked games. I have 4k damage badge on 5 legends that I do play, but have never been able to drop a 20-bomb game yet (highest kill game was 18). I can play multiple roles and legends, but being either an IGL or support is not foreign to me. I mostly play assault and tracking legends with movement abilities and useful tactical abilities (mostly wraith and bloodhound), but I am also able and willing to play and/or learn gibraltar and caustic etc.


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