Apex Legends


kyrie | 19 years old

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My ambitions is to shoot for the stars. I don't wanna be mediocre anymore i was scared at first but i'm ready to push myself to the next level of gaming. i'll set one goal for a moment and once im reach it add another step and keep moving up. i want to be in the top 5 of apex one day and ill keep shooting till i make it

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Crazii here and welcome to my resume! I'm a 16 year old athlete finishing my second semester of my junior year of highschool in the U.S . Gaming has always been a passion I put my all into. Well let's cut to the chase. In Apex My rank goes highest in the Battle Royale mode as PLAT 1 at about 37 rp outside of Diamond 4 In arenas I capped at about half way through PLAT 4 as i found BR more rewarding and saw arenas as a way to fine tune my skills. My role In my squads when I play ranked as a premade squad whether being Trio or Duo queuing would be IGL or Entry Fragger but flexible enough to play other roles if needed. I've put time in to every legend to try and devise how they could be playing based off my experiences playing as said legend all while keeping my focus on my top 4 legends: 1st being Octane i love his maneuverability and the multi-uses his pads have; 2nd being Bangalore as i take full advantage of my smokes to block my enemies vision while keeping my own clear to make a push or escape with my team; 3rd being Mirage i absolutely love his adaptability in situations and the amount of information i can obtain by using one decoy, whether as a scout, fragger, or medic i can easily transition between the role; 4th being Seer i've yet to gain complete confidence with this character but as said many of my teammates he is a good fit for me as i know when we need his tac. use or his ult. which i have to be decisive with because of cooldown speeds. I would consider myself a movement/positioning player. While confident in my gun skills at time as i practiced with every gun so i'm not inconvenienced by not having my ideal loadout. i believe that if i have good movement and amazing positioning i can assist and take my team into and out of a fight while trying to minimize the damage we take on. I'm very confident in my medium to close range but can always improve , long range i am capable but my recoil control is lacking but i can get the job done. Im just a mediocre guy with some high level burst of skill. Thanks for reading!


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