Apex Legends


Dave | 22 years old

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I want to become the best player I can be. I want a team I can click and dominate with.

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I play smart. There's no other way to put it. I don't take bad fights unless I need to. If I see a good fight, I'll take it and do my part no problem, but if it's a bad fight and not worth it. I'm going to say so and watch, just like any other competitive player should. In pubs I'll take that bad fight just for the practice since there's nothing on the line other than my K/D ratio. If I want it, I'll get it. I was #30 for total USA kills in Black Ops 4 all platforms just because I wanted to get better. Top 1% CoD competitive. In Apex I decided I wanted to hit Plat. Now I can do that in a day or two playing casually. I decided I wanted Diamond. A week later I was there. All it takes is the want and the drive to attain it.


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