Apex Legends


Lynkoln | 25 years old

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To become a well known name and face in the Esports community.
To play for a team that I have pride in, and a team that can have pride in me.
To further myself and begin my journey to competitive play.

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I've been gaming since I was a child, though not to the extent I have been for the past few years. I play 8-12 hours a day in an attempt to sharpen my skills and further better myself in any way I can.

Apex Legends is my greatest passion right now, with me achieving the ranking(s) of S2 Diamond, S3 Predator, S4 Platinum, S5 Platinum, and S6 Masters. I've got over 24k lifetime kills and 1k total lifetime wins.

My overall KD hovers between 1.8 - 2.3 (This would be closer to a 5kd if I three stacked)

I have only ever solo queued in apex, resulting in me being held back in my ability against those who have squadmates. I have decided to try and find a team where I can finally reach my skill level and be able to play both with and against others of similar skill.

It's my greatest dream to become a pro Esports player, and I am willing to invest all the time and money that may be needed to get me to that level.


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