Apex Legends


Lin | 22 years old

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Level 500 Diamond 4 Wattson, Wraith, and Lifeline main. I have been playing since the Old Way's event and hit Platinum 4 season 5 and then Diamond 4 in season 6 and 7. I have experience in Diamond 3/Master ranked lobbies and have yet to hit Diamond 3 myself due to not having a set team to play with.
As of 1/9/2021 at 12 AM EST, on Wattson, I have 2309 kills, 128 wins, and 756779 damage done. I have 1507 breaches detected, 69397 shields charged, and 1454 enemy ordnance intercepted. I have 4k damage badge as well. On Wraith I have 1852 kills, 96 wins, and 568839 damage done. I have 3267 voices heard, 9731 into the void time, and 674 squadmates phased. I have 3k damage badge. On Lifeline I have 1425 kills, 102 wins, and 418072 damage done. 805 revives, 105855 healing, 851 items for squadmates, and 59784 revive shield damage blocked.
I am the most comfortable on Wattson using an SMG and a sniper.


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