Apex Legends


Lamarr | 18 years old

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I’ve been wanting to get into the serious pro scene for months now, even getting a pc and moving from console. I’ve played in multiple tournaments, against pros like GsBird, and almost won them. But only being held back by the fact that I never have the right fit of teammates. I might be feeding into the saying my teammates suck, but I really want to make sure that whenever I get a chance to play in tournaments, that my team is just as good as me.

online experience

  • Multiple small tournaments

offline experience

  • Diamond player on multiple ports


My name is Sosa and I’ve been playing apex since the first week the game came out, originally on Xbox but switching to pc a few months ago. I’ve been considered a flex/anchor/fragger since I’ve been playing, and most of the time I can play all of those roles. I’ve played in various kill races and small tournaments, but never won. Closest being 3rd place (but having the highest dps out of everyone). I can play every legend, but excelled as Gibraltar and horizon. I normally gravitate to being and igl because of me having the most game sense with most teams I play with. The highest rank I’ve gotten to is diamond 3 (and that’s through solo q).


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