Battlefield 4

Immortal till the day I die

Ian Aull | 25 years old

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I want to win and become better than I have been before.

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I am 18 years old. I have the most experience in shooters. However, I played Mobas for 2 years, taking a break from shooters. I played a bit of ranked getting a 62% win rate and the title of diamond. I used to play Call of Duty. In my prime, I was platinum ranked in black ops 2. Now I play battlefield and want a good team. I have grown tired of silent lobbies and useless team members. I want to win. I am terrible at vehicles, but good at infantry. I am also a very good gunner for tanks, heli, and ships. I got the into multiple division 1s. However, I got the bright idea to try and become better at vehicles and went from a 357 skill and 1.8k/d to a 220 skill and a 1.62k/d. So, don't let me drive.


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