Brawl stars


| N/A years old

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Draco17Slayer#57673 icon
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I want to win multiple tournaments/championships with a pro team. I wish to be one of the best. I don't want to be taken lightly by anyone on my team or in the scene. I have a drive that will propel me their but for that I need a team. I hope that one day I may make a career out of this too.

online experience

  • Recently was almost drafted by the best team in Africa: House of Anubis

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I've been a brawl stars player since the launch on android and I played a bit during the beta on apple here and there. I recently became 20,000 trophies and I realised that this puts me in a different echelon then other players. I love the game. I have over 500 plus hours clocked on. The reason why I've decided to get more into the competitive scene recently is that I almost got drafted by the foremost best team in Africa: House of Anubis and I've also almost gotten drafted by the formidable french pro organization known as owned esports. The only reason why I wasn't accepted is because of their lack of space. I realised that I really wanted to join a pro team and make a name for myself.


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