Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

RaY Iz DeD

Raymond Shipman | 25 years old

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I’m gonna but my heart into whoever I play with. If you’re not playing for a championship and to get bit, why are you playing?

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I’ve spent a lot of my life playing games. Games are really what kept me alive and sane during my middle school high school days. I’ve played league of legends on a team with some friends of mine. Even played against a team that had Dyrus on it. As I’ve gotten older I haven’t had the time to play league like I used to. Call of Duty makes gaming a lot nicer and easier for me with the shorter game times. FPS’s have always come really easy to me. Blackout is a better game mode for me, but I’m always good in most multiplayer formats. I’m really looking to prove myself to my family that I can actually go somewhere with gaming as a career, because I’ve spent so many family gatherings listening to everyone tell me how I’m supposed to go to school and get a job. The real issue is I just want to have my family actually believe in me. I’m gonna put my heart and soul into whatever team I get a chance to play on. I’m working an overnight job at the moment, and my days would be spent on practice and bettering myself in the game.


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