Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

ToXiC VorTeXxxx

Itz | 21 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
LAN Player LAN Player


My ambitions are to do the best for any team that i may play for in the potential future and represent them the best I can

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  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • LAN Tornaments


I am a 16 year old aspiring pro gamer who has played for many teams in the past and have played competitively in all of the Call of Duty's up to date. I can play any role but I'm more of a Support or Slaying player but again i can play the other roles to a good standard. In game I can strat call and partially play in game leader also I know a lot of call outs on the main CWL maps. I can play all the CWL gamemodes (Hardpoint, Control and S&D), but my strong points are S&D and Hardpoint. I can preform to a good standard under pressure and know how to keep my cool when the situation get's heated.


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