Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Turns Brother

Austin | 23 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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I really just want to grow and do what I love.

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I started playing call of duty back in 2011 but I was only trick shotting. The love for the game is what keeps bringing me back every year with call of duty. Since trickshotting has been "banned" I've had to switch up my playstyles so I've just been dumping on kids online. I consistently drop 30-40 kills every game with a sniper or reg gunning. I'm a play maker and can wipe the enemy team by myself in clutch situations. I play very well with other teammates when I get to know how they play and have good communication and callouts. I'm a very noticable player and I know i would be good for a team as soon as I can get comfortable with them. Every game I play I'm better than average. I try not to ever play cocky or get in over my head but I win because I know it can be done and I'm the player that makes it happen under any circumstances.


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