Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Tysmart Tyler Smart | 25 years old

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LAN Player LAN Player


Getting with a good org/team that just fits and can go to that next level to participate in LAN events has been a goal of mine for years.

online experience

  • Gamebattles Player
  • UMG Player
  • League Play/Arena Player

offline experience

  • Local LAN Tournament


I have been playing COD since modern warfare and more competitively since advanced warfare. My best year of playing competitively was in Black Ops 3 where I played Gamebattles or UMG almost everyday. I played in a local double elimination tournament put on by a college as well where we made it to the semi-finals. I have been apart of a good bit of teams and a smaller organization at one time. Sadly I had took more of a break after black ops 3 for personal reasons to where I could not play near as much as I wanted to be able causing me to have leave the organization and team I was on at the time. However, since 2019 has started I have gained a lot of that focus and time back and would really enjoy to get the chance to get back to playing competitively and the grind on Black Ops 4.


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