Call of Duty: Cold War


E T | 31 years old

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I've been playing COD from the very first one that came out in 2003. I'm big time into shooter games, and I feel I'm an above average player. Currently I mostly play COD Cold War and Warzone on PS5, but not having a team is starting to make it very difficult to win matches as I am climbing the Global rankings. I'm at a point where I believe a strong team is required if I want to rank higher and play more competitively. I don't have any competitive experience, so I'm seeking a team that's willing to help me learn the competitive side of things and the GA's. I'm a quick learner, a team player who's willing to put in the extra work, and always willing to learn and take advice to become a better player, while also helping others in the process.

Current K/D ratio is 1.68 on COD Cold War as of 3/12/2021


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