Call of Duty: Cold War


Benton Bell | 23 years old

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1- To play at the highest level of gameplay possible
2- To put my name into the gaming community so that no one will ever forget it
3- To inspire parents across the world to encourage their kids to play video games
4- To quit my 9-5 and pursue a full time career in gaming

online experience

  • Communication
  • Gaming
  • Emailing

offline experience

  • Time management
  • Broadcasting


Hey, my bane is Benton and I am 20 years old. People probably put in these descriptions the stuff they have done in the gaming world, but I am going to say a little about myself then explain my gaming background. I grew up in a city called Augusta Georgia. Augusta is known for medical careers. Unfortunately for me I do not have the patients to do 10 plus years in college to probably end up dropping out anyway because I got bored, so I took up gaming at about age 14. little to no surprise I started to really enjoy the gaming world and pretty much dedicated my entire high school and partial college life to play call of duty. I decided since I play Cold War so much and at what I am pretty sure is a pretty high level of gameplay, why not try out for a team and see if I can make something of myself.


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