Call of Duty: Cold War


Kaya Boon | 22 years old

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None at the moment as I am only recently swapping over into COD from OW, but if a career takes hold, I wouldn't say no.

online experience

  • 3 years of semi-pro OW
  • Played COD since 2012

offline experience

  • 1 year of video editing


Hi! My name is Boon! Currently I am looking to get into a Call of Duty team after being a part of a few Overwatch teams for the past 3 years where I played mostly Main Tank and as the IGL, and some of my knowledge has even passed on from there onto COD seeing as how my playstyle has changed drastically and my K/D has increased dramatically from an avg of 1.05 on BO3 on console to almost 1.4 on PC. As of late I have decided to swap over to Call of Duty as it is a much more enjoyable platform to be on.

I'm a very vocal player and I always seem to get into the very core of a friend group and always looking for some giggles here and there. I'm very communicative outside of the game as well in terms of being able to say weather or not I can be there for an event or a practice game etc.


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