Call of Duty: Cold War


Davey | 22 years old

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I one day hope to be a professional player in COD but just would love to be a pro player in general.
I also aspire to be a content creator on twitch and YouTube.
I hope if i get accepted i can bring my skills and passion for gaming to the team.

online experience

  • Multiple Tournament winners in multiple games in my region
  • BO2 BO3, BO4, Advanced Warfare

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi, my name is Davey aka CarnageVeL. I'm 19 years old from Ireland, I love to play FPS games especially COD. I've been playing cod all the way back since Modern Warfare 2 in 2009 and have competed in many small tournaments with a team of friends back in multiple games that include BO2, BO3, Advanced Warfare and BO4. i stopped playing COD in tournaments as i was very busy with school in the last few years but now that i am in college i am keen to get back into the tournament scene and hopefully someday go professional. Early this year i started to stream on twitch which is another big dream of mine, currently I have 40 followers and I am very close to reaching affiliate. I am studying software development in college and i finish early everyday so i am free most days to play cod and practice. I have a keen interest in music too, I play saxophone, piano and I sing. I also love fitness and the whole area around it so staying healthy and hydrated is a big importance to me. I look forward to your reply and thank you very much for the opportunity to apply for this team.


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