Call of Duty: Cold War


| N/A years old

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My name is Jordan “Forgottenbowls” Chapman I’m 22 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada

Not Forgottenbowels, I’ve heard that dudes always got the runs.


I’ve been playing the game I love, Call of duty for 10 years. I have always had a competitive edge over my components from my time played coupled with my inherent need to be better than the next guy. This experience has led me to always maintain the same level of effort no matter what my team is up against or how hard of a time I’m having.

I can provide with you countless players I’ve met and friended competitively, I’m not a toxic player, I want everyone to succeed.

My fire for competitive play was re-inspired during the modern warfare season, as I found myself once again, keeping an average 1.8 kd in CDL and being a dominate AR player. Wether as an anchor on Gunrunner, or pointman on St. Petrograd Hardpoint or a Laser beam in Search and destroy on Arklov Peak. But don’t count out my MP5 plays, when I play MP5 I played front man. I did what needed to be done in order to break the hill, or offset respawn cooldown, no matter how many times I died. I don’t care about how many times I die. Although I mentioned having a 1.8 KD, I had more games where I went negative during CDL than positive but my ability to play whatever role I was given allowed us to win those games no matter my ratio at the end. I want to be the best and I want everyone around me to be the best, and that provides the best environment to grow.

I’ve already been able to put 15 hours into the Cold War beta, maxed ARs and put time into testing attachments, line of sights, spawn knowledge and overall map awareness.

With new ideas and strategies forming in my head, I’m becoming very prepared for this upcoming season.

If you want someone like this on your team then I would love the opportunity to communicate further and show the potential I have and can bring.

Thank you for your time reading this Enjoy the rest of your day.



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