Call of Duty: Cold War


GeoJack HD | 27 years old

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I aim to get onto the world stage of the Call Of Duty scene, yes that is a incredibly tough goal to reach but you dont get far if you dont head for your dreams.
I have grown watching the CDL championships every year, learning from players in teams such as Faze, Empire, Optic and of course my countries very own Royal Ravens!

I want to be able to stream to a large audience, build a community and put smiles on peoples faces along with teaching people how to play better and bigger!

I want to join a team that can offer me respect, a great chance to grow and a fun time!

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Hello everyone, My name is Jack or most commonly known as Geo, seriously even my managers at work call me it!

My gaming name start 6/7 years ago over on YouTube which is where I started my long and rough road to getting my content out to the world!

I mostly play on console and I carry the skill to feel comfortable on any consoles such as PS4 and XBOX but i do play PS4 99% of the time.
My skill level on PC is fairly new, however I am currently teaching myself how to handle the change from console to pc which I am extremely excited to progress in.

Over the years I have covered many game franchise titles from Fifa to Fortnite, however I am best known for Call Of Duty, a game that I always have and always will play religiously and want to go far in.
We are talking I refuse to miss a BETA or a ALPHA and I pre order the game and the next gen console on the day it is announced!

I am currently 23yrs old, My PSN username is GEOJACKHD, you can find me on YouTube and Twitch under that very name!
I am based in England, UK.


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