Call of Duty: Cold War


Tyler Hockenberger | 28 years old

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I want to be the best! I'd love to be a professional and I think my game can get there! Id love to represent a team that feels the same way as me and wants to win!

online experience

  • gamebattles MW
  • gamebattles COD4

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I'm a current Semi Pro player and I'm looking for a new team to compete in cold war. I want to compete and I want to be the best, I grind as much as I need to be the best. I'm a natural leader and I'm very serious about competing in call of duty, I stream as well and I'm looking for a team to call my own as I pursue my gaming career. my K/D is sitting at about 1.80-1.90 in cold war currently. I'm open to play any role needed for the team. I would love to find home and compete at the highest level there is. Feel free to message me if you have any questions for me!

*** UPDATE ***
I took time off because I didn’t enjoy the game and the direction it was going on but league play has been the right step for me to make my return. Everything is still the same, I’d love to find a team to compete with and grind our way up. I still have the same level of skill and it’s like I never missed a beat. Call outs are a bit rusty but that won’t take long to get ahold of for sure!


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