Call of Duty: Cold War


Austin H | 124 years old

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I wanna grow from a normal everyday player into something bigger and more. I wanna show anyone can do it with the right mindset. I wanna be the best player I can be for my team and improve myself as a player. I can see myself being on a pro team. I just need the right experience and help to do so.

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My name is Austin. I'm currently 19. I've been playing games since a child and have always had this ambition to play competitively within the gaming community. I kinda ignored it until now as I did just play a bunch of pubs and stomped. I play smg and can be a slayer and a flex on cod. I find myself unique because I'm so eager to grow and learn from my mistakes and be the best player I can be for my team. so I'm very open to criticism. Any team offers are very appreciated since Im new to this whole process. I can rotate well. I flank well. Im annoying to the enemy team by spawn killing and back capping obj's when needed. I can read routes very well id like to believe and win a lot of my gun fights.


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