Call of Duty: Cold War


Kombush Azir | 22 years old

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I Desire to be a profressional gamer. People all around the world that pursue this career are always having fun and meeting new people and fans. I would be more than happy to join any team that is recruiting so that I am able to play with them and reveal my skills to those who are not interested in me as of now. My goal is to be able to get online, join my team, play against other teams, and make millions.

online experience

  • I have watched multiple professional gaming players from any game to just blogging. I insipre to be like them skill wise because I want tog et myself out there and join them.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I have been in the gaming community for almost 13 years now. I am 18 Years old and I have been wanting to play for a team competitively and give out content to those who are into gaming and for those who use it as entertainment. I love to play all the Call of Duty games. Warzone is my favorite out of all the games but I am willing to play whatever the teams and fans want me too. Many people told me to go out and try it out and try to make it somewhere since I seem to be better than the "average player." I had just started streaming on Twitch trying my best to entertain people and giving them content they want to see with all the updating games etc. I wish to play for any following team to see where I would be placed at and hope to go on tour with these other professional players throughout the years. Gaming has always been something that I wanted to pursue in my life and at such a young age, I now want to put my foot down and get on with this wonderful gaming journey.


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