Call of Duty: Cold War


Wolfy Dart | 29 years old

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My greatest ambition right now it to play at least half as good as some of the best pro's COD in general has to offer.

online experience

  • Black Desert Online
  • Call of Duty played since COD 4 launched

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello Wolfy here, I have a decent amount of experience with the call of duty franchise. I have been playing mostly since the days of call of duty 4.. The Original Modern Warfare! I spend almost all of my free time learning how to improve, especially in the games I decide to focus on going pro in. I come from an fps shooter background but over the past 5 years I haven't been maining them. Instead I was practising 12+ hours a day on another game and became one of the best warrior's in the game black desert online on the EU servers known as Wolfy. I was known to have some of the fastest movement in the game which if you haven't played requires some insane animation cancelling that takes years to master due to timings, ridiculous amount of key prepresses and micro mechanics. I'm here to learn from the best and grow as a player I would even love to do wagers in the future.


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