Call of Duty: Cold War


Corey Nunes | 30 years old

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My ambitions are to compete at a pro-level as I've always wanted to do for a decade and to prove those who doubted me wrong. I've always known I have what it takes to go pro I just never had the time, but now I do.

online experience

  • COD4 PCL
  • COD4 Online tourneys
  • COD MW2 Online tourneys and ladder
  • COD AW Online ladder
  • COD4 Remastered Online tourneys and ladder

offline experience

  • Super Smash Bros Melee tournaments
  • Super Smash Bros Ultimate tournaments
  • COD MW Gunfight tournaments


My name is Corey Nunes and I go by xSnorey online. I am 26 years old and I have been competing in COD on and off at various levels of seriousness for nearly 13 years at this point. I started back in 2008 with COD:4, where I played on a couple of top ladder teams at the time, Art of Execution being one and Lackluster Talent being the other. I regularly scrimmaged with the likes of Team FeaR and EnvyUs, as well as with now pro player and veteran Clayster and coach/commentator TeePee. In 2009 I tried my hand on the pro circuit ladder on and placed 13th, just barely missing the qualification to compete at MLG Columbus with my team. My focus shifted to school and sports for a while after that and I didn't compete up until 5 months after the release of MW2, where I called on my old connections and found myself playing with the members of Team FeaR for a short stint before becoming a free agent and just running online tournaments with pick up teams and friends. I managed to take home 3 golds in the time during MW2 but after that, I again stopped competing and focused on life and my social obligations. I hadn't played anything competitively for a good chunk of time from then until the release of COD: AW where I once again got sucked in, and while at first, I wasn't the best because of the newly added jetpacks and movement, I honed my craft and was able to adapt, eventually getting 43rd place on the GB ladder out of thousands and qualifying for playoffs. Unfortunately due to roster problems, we weren't able to actually play in the playoffs but If we had the opportunity, I think we definitely would have finished top 16 at least. Every Call of Duty since then I have lightly competed in online ladders and tournaments here and there, but due to work/school/life I wasn't able to take things too seriously and I was just playing for fun really. Now with the pandemic afoot, I have been laid off from my job and with no chance of returning in the foreseeable future, I have decided now is the best time to do what I've always wanted and to take competing seriously again. My strengths include the ability to analyze and adapt to situations, being an excellent team player, having great map awareness, and gun skill. I have all the time in the world now to practice and all I need is to be surrounded by like-minded people to succeed.


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