Call of Duty Infinite warfare


Bob | 19 years old

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Become a part of a call of duty family again, Become a writer, high-five soulja boy.

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Ok so i'm a call of duty player that was recently a co-leader of a team, and we were pretty good. By ourselves. Despite all our best efforts and strategy meetings and practices, there was only 1 map on infinite warfare we could really do anything on and not look like we were all friends playing on split-screen at a sleepover. We couldn't win any games, and eventually just fizzled out (Despite this, our whole clan was super tight and still talk to this day).
When me and this other guy are in a skype call we think about what's going on and decide to officially breakup the group. It was very sad for everyone of us, but we all knew it was for the better. After this, me and a few of the other guys from the old group have tried to start up some new groups but they had never been a leader in a gaming group before, even at the small scale and always shot to far. So I just starting drifting and talking to other groups about joining, but after being in that really tight nit group of friends, nobody really stuck. So i gave up. It's been a while since I've played a call of duty game competitively. Every so often me and a few mates will try to play, but its just a scramble to see who has what game currently downloaded. I tried rocket league competitive but it never had the same effect either. The only other video game I've really played good at recently would be brawlhalla. So if any Call of Duty teams are interested in me I'd be really excited to be a part of a gaming family again and hope we get to be good pal.

hasta la vista,


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