Call of Duty Mobile


Victor | 28 years old

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?Becoming a Pro COD:M player.?
?Having fun with the game.?
☢Drop as many nukes as I can.☢
?Always strive to be better.?
?Win the COD:Mobile Championship or at least a prize for participation.?

online experience

  • COD:Mobile and other FPS Games
  • Battlefield 4

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is Cpt.Priceless in game and I have been playing COD:Mobile since it came out. I'm a very good player (at least I think) and I always try to win every game and do my best. I'm looking for a team for the COD:Mobile Championship, who is determined to win and who never surrenders against any odds. You have to be playing in North America and qualified for stage 2 of the Championship. You also need to have a K/D of at least 1.7. I try my hardest to win games and almost never leave a match in ranked (the only time I do is when I have bad teammates and I know there's 0 chances to win), and I always try to win even if the game doesn't look like it can be won because I always have hope and never surrender. An example of this is I won many games which seemed unwinnable, but somehow I still won them through perseverance and luck (like one time I won hardpoint with 150-149 score, which was insane, I couldn't believe it, or domination games with 1 score difference, TDM games etc, when we made a huge and legendary comeback). I know all of the strats and I hit legendary rank every season since Season 2. I always try to have a positive mindset like I said and I let nothing get in the way of getting to Legendary or becoming the best. Now, in Season 9 it's more difficult because they changed everything, so I have to discover what's best now, but I have tested guns a lot and I know some really good strategies for my team. I hope this is enough important information and if you want to invite me, my name is Cpt.Priceless in game and I hope you can see how driven I am to win and that I try my best all the time. I think we can accomplish a lot of great things together and we'll win a lot of games, while also having fun. Having fun is the most important thing of all and I hope I'll see you soon in game!


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