Call of Duty Mobile


Eugene | 43 years old

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Of course I’d like to get as far as I can but my only real goal is to play with decent people and enjoy the experience. I’m ready to play as much as I can. But I cannot neglect my six year old. I’ll buy him lots more new toys to keep him happy. Lol.

online experience

  • Cod Mobile
  • Dragon Ball Legends
  • Was 17th overall at games end team owner on x-Men Battle of The Atom and only only played for 8 months.
  • Participated in every stage of production from alpha to final world release of Eternal Wars and team owner of top ten team, only free to play team that was in top ten.

offline experience

  • I like seriously not games. All GTA, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts type long.


I just want to play. I don't care who with. Im honest and will tell you im ok. I don't mind showing igss(in game screenshots) to show my stats load out or whatever. I just want to play. Last year one week before the Championship started I broke my left hand and had two pins put in it and then the day of the championship starting I spent that morning in surgery getting a hernia repaired. That left me only able to try a few games before giving up after realizing that a cast only allowing just my thumb to move is not good enough for a touchscreen and a call of duty championship.

Name: DedleeVinum

Age: 40 outside and nearly grown into a fetus on the inside. I am mature. I am.

Region: 'Tucky, 'Merica

Language: English when I can understand it.

Rank: Elite Iv

Level: 51

Play Schedule: Like I said, I'm honest. I work 12 hour shifts from 5 pm till 5:30 am Friday-Sunday so with that I don't mind not sleeping on my three work days. I'm available from 7 am until around 2 pm on those days. No work and 24 hour availability Monday-Thursday. But it all will change in a couple of weeks. Like last year more surgery. My feet. There will be 2-6 weeks of 24 hour availability. So just let me know when I am to be on there getting shot. I'll shoot back too, don't worry.


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