Call of Duty Mobile


Allan | 25 years old

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I'd like to grow as a player and build a family team. I'd like to attend as many events as possible including Lan events.

online experience

  • CS:GO
  • Valorant
  • Call of duty

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is Allan also known as chill3k and Hoshi. I have over 5000 hours of experience on CS:GO, I've been playing Call of duty since I was 12 years old. I started playing CS:GO in 2014 started at silver 1, worked my way up to LE, then Level 7 face it, and B+ ESEA. I'd say I was decent for where I was in terms of the kind of player I was, I was known for being good in clutch situations, 1v2, 1v3, 1v4, even 1v5s. I would que with people who were level 10, rank A+, and Global to see if I could hang, I did play IM for alittle but didn't have too much success as we didn't get to practice a lot. As for COD:M I've been playing since almost release? I got a new phone in early 2021 (Samsung Galaxy s21 Ultra) and have been playing COD:M pretty consistently since then. As I'm writing this I've been playing a lot of Rank and have been playing with and against legendarys, my current rank is Grand Master IV, I'm pretty close to GMIV. I feel as if I'm a well rounded player and I have what it takes to complete at a higher level.


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