Call of Duty Mobile


SwimHelper Da_Killa_Ounze | 35 years old

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Been trying to get to a professional level with Call of Duty and League of Legends. My game play has been still improving into my early 30's and would like to win some professional accolades even regional before my gaming ability and hands go down hill.

online experience

  • Call of Duty (since Modern Warfare 2)
  • League Of Legends
  • Runescape 3
  • Mobile Legends

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Been gaming since 1991 at 3 years old I was already beating levels in old school platforms like Mario Bro for NES. Granted I had to usually watch someone older like my dad or sister play through it first but still I was on my way. I've kept gaming steadily through NES, SNES, n64, Playstation, PS2, PSP, PC, mobile, X-Box 360, and X-Box One. I used to be a big time RPG player but the last 12 years I've been in love with competitive pvp games. Mostly shooters but I also play a mean game of League of Legends and Mobile Legends.
My KDR has been positive on all competitive games I've played since Advanced Warfare was released and that includes LOL and I've been honing my skills since. I do have a headset for mobile gaming, but atm my X-box One is down til I get it repaired or replaced. I'm usually good at making calls in tight situations especially in special stipulation matches like Domination, Hard-point, and S&D. For CODM my level is currently 137, and KDR is 1.93.
I was a mod-lite for [adultswim] message boards until they closed them a few years back so I'm good at keeping my cool and moderating situations and helping defuse tensions between players and users in a community. I'm a pretty friendly player all around.


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